Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Freakification of America

And now for something completely different...

President Obama recently named Amanda Simpson to be a Senior Technical Advisor to the Commerce Department.

In a statement, Simpson, a member of the National Center for Transgender Equality's board of directors, said that "as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."

While Simpson is clearly one of the first transgender presidential appointees, Democratic officials say they're unsure if she is the very first one.

Let the freakification of America commence! Emperor Obama has bowed his head, and a circus maximus shall be commissioned for his approval. Next order of business: Emperor Obama marries his horse...honeymoon footage at eleven...


James said...

"Democratic officials say they're unsure if she is the very first one."

As well they should be unsure! Whether you get a job or not shouldn't correlate to whatever minority you might be a part of if that job is funded by taxpayer money.

Crap, I'm going to have to figure out a minority to be a part of so I can stay in the Army. Right-wing extremists?

No, that doesn't work, now I'm on another "list."

Reaganx said...

Transgender? Come on, that sounds too racist! What about "sexually challenged"?

Anonymous said...

I guess in those fly-over red states, it may seem uncommon, but not here in NY.

Anonymous said...

Had yourself some crying game moments there, chief? Anyway, the only thing you fly over is the space between your mother's kitchen and the basement.

Reaganx said...

Mr Anonymous, I have nothing against appointing a transgender person because s/he's good for the job but here we have the presidential buffoon appointing someone for the purpose of promoting the grotesque idiotism of leftist "minority" agenda. Well, the "racially challenged" clown got the job of Looter-in-Chief for the same reason.