Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Individual Mind: the Dynamo that Moves the World

All these provisions in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are of the utmost importance in relation to the flow of energy; the fact which they express accounts for the unparalleled expansion of the United States in territorial extent in the given time, by accounting for the even more extraordinary extension of the field of physical science and mechanical invention. In a hundred and fifty years, men suddenly enlarged and corrected their knowledge of scientific principles which had taken many thousands of years to discover at all -7 and devised means of application which made possible a concurrent increase of population and a rise in the in the past. Nothing of the sort had ever occurred in the world before - history reveals nothing comparable to the United States as a nation. It may be pointed out reasonably that the contributions to scientific knowledge and practical invention did not originate only in the United States. But it was the existence of the United States, and the consequent demonstration and spread of liberty, which made the achievements of science possible in Europe. What happened was that the dynamo of the energy used in human association was located. It is in the individual

And it was withdrawn from political interference by a formal reservation, along with the means and material by dynamo is the mind, the creative intelligence, which our Bill of Rights and the treason clause assert to be free of political control. The material means on which intelligence projects by initiative is private property. Nothing else will serve.

Likewise the structure of government was established on its enduring base, without pinning men down under the foundation. Regional areas were delimited to which the instruments of political action were attached, without confining any person by law to the given area, or confiding the power of wielding such instruments to persons by hereditary rule, or making such power unlimited. The instruments were properly defined as agencies. They pertained to the several states as such. This effect was secured by the method of appointment bodies of the states j that is, their office was attached to the state, being derived from the state - unlike the Roman provincial governors who were appointed by the central authority.

The thrust was against the center, instead of from the center - therefore it countered the weight of the superstructure. On the other hand, the Senator had no political function within the state he represented, hence the office had no intrinsic tendency toward separatism. It took effect only at the center. The stresses were doubly equalized. The several states also preserved their political integrity by keeping to themselves the primary authority to qualify voters in Federal elections.* (…)

The citizens, by the institution of private property, were given resistance against all the agencies of government. Private property is the standing ground of the citizen ; there is no other. As the state had to be a regional area with its representatives, to preserve its basic function, so it was necessary for citizens to have a direct vote for the mass inertia veto - hence the two legislative chambers, the Senate for the States and the House of Representatives for the citizens as individuals. The possibility of legislators using their office for a direct grab from the public funds was forestalled by debarring them from such action in respect of a current term of office.(…)

The House of Representatives, elected by direct vote of the citizens, was enabled to express the property and function of mass, the ultimate veto by negation, being entrusted with the initiative in laying taxation and granting supplies. All supplies were required to be granted only in denominated sums for allotted purposes 5 any such grant must therefore be used up in time and would have to be granted again. If no grant is made, the veto of inertia is in force. It is only necessary to do nothing. (…)

(Isabel Paterson: The God of the Machine)

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