Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homo Barackobamacus

In the former U.S.S.R., the communists had a term for the "new Soviet man" they would mold into the apparatchik's desired image: Homo sovieticus. The theory that human nature could be remade was predicated on such theories of mind as Locke's tabula rasa, or "blank slate"; Jean-Jacques Rousseau's savage noblesse, who is polluted by civilization but redeemed through social equality (which Rousseau mystifyingly referred to as a state of "liberty"); and the sociologist Emile Durkheim's theories of social-structural determinism.

In the former U.S.A., the Barack Obama administration set out to redeem America by righting the injustices of the past, which entailed wealth confiscation and redistribution. This "Obama money" flowed to certain underprivileged "classes," especially those who shared his minority background, who now look upon him as a rich uncle (like "Uncle Joe" Stalin). In the soft socialist world of the elite universities and breathless progressive newsrooms, Obama's wealth redistribution back to its "rightful owners" will magically transform the impoverished masses and give them hope. We may term these newly baptized Americans: Homo barackobamacus.

To understand this new intellectual vanguard, the pioneers who will lead America to the burgeoning frontiers of Obamunism, let us listen to Homo barackobamacus in their own words:

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