I had to check three times to make sure that this was the AP and not The Onion. But Bloomberg confirms: The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize goes to - Barack Obama!
Obama's cult of personality knows no bounds. Under his administration, the POTUS has become a resume enhancement on to bigger and more ambitious things. Obama for world dictator anyone?
The timing of the president's peace prize victory (if one could call it that) couldn't be more face-saving. The Olympics bid humiliation of the Obamas and The Oprah now forgotten, the lamestream news networks will be jumping up and down celebrating this monumentally worthless award.
The Nobel Peace Prize has become a sick joke - only of propaganda value to aspiring autocrats like Obama and terrorist leaders like Yasser Arafat (who won in 1994 along with Israel's Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres).
But even more suspicious of Obama's award is the timing of his eligibility: He was inaugurated only two weeks before the February 1st deadline.
What could Obama have accomplished in just two weeks in office? His Cairo speech to the Muslim world wasn't given until June, and everyone can see it has done nothing to curb the collision course between Iran and Israel. To hear the Nobel panel tell it, Obama's mellifluous words are responsible for quelling the insurgency in Iraq and causing the Taliban to trade in their automatic weapons for lilies.
This farce screams to me of international Marxism. In 2007, Al Gore and the U.N.'s climate change panel won the peace prize, alerting normal people that climate change is more about politics than it is about science. It doesn't take a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy buff to see that climate change is a neomarxist plot for global wealth redistribution.
The president's Nobel prize is a sad Sorelian attempt to add to the myth-construction of Obama as a transnational big man of history. Reality differs. Obama hems and haws when off telemprompter, makes numerous gaffes (such as his joke about the "Special Olympics" on a late night show), secretly smokes, and is a complete novice when it comes to international affairs. Obama is human, all too human.
Yet the propaganda keeps coming, and not just from the American press this time. Millions of people can see through the plastic attempt to make Obama out into something he is not - a great unifier. What has unified the American people for hundreds of years is not Obama, but our shared values and our Constitution. The left is trying to wipe all of that away the way they try to wipe it away in all countries, by erecting a cult of personality around a "great leader."
That is why this Nobel prize victory for Obama is more than just a sick joke. There is something very insidious about all these world organizations and their non-stop agitation and propaganda.
More importantly, some world organizations are gathering real power and influence. Obama could be being positioned to play some role as a unifier in some new global economic order. Obama thus appears to be the designated smiley face for some tenuously brokered global left-right alliance. It doesn't seem to matter at this point what form of collectivism is expended to herd the sheeple, as long as it's collectivism. And collectivism works best when there is a focal point who embodies the alternatively played fear and love the regime desires to project at any given time. Obama is the canvass on which the elites paint the emotions they desire to instill in the masses.
So along with the fluff and the accolades about our "dear leader" must come a real sense of crisis. After all, even if there are millions of true believers, the vast majority will only respond to fear and intimidation if they are to be pressed into relinquishing their freedoms.
That is the real motivator behind the swine flu agitation - to bully Americans into submitting to the authority of "experts" (one might call it a test of Milgram's "obedience to authority"). A mixture of swine, avian, and human virus components, this year's strain of H1N1 has been purported by the WHO to be dangerous enough to lead to a global pandemic that might kill millions. The strain is very similar to last year's version of the H1N1 virus - which killed hundreds of the frailest victims. But business is very good indeed for those corporations and health organizations who are in on the contrived swine flu hysteria.
Perhaps the most alarming of these international groups' agitation is the targeting of the dollar for culling, and replacement by the IMF of a "reserve currency" for trade - namely, enhanced SDR credits. More recently, there have been talks by the British, Russians, Chinese, and Saudis of scaling back the influence of the dollar, specifically of its privileging in the oil trade.
What we are seeing now overall might be called the next great wave of consolidation by international Marxists. The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is completely out of control, causing fat-cat-enriching booms and bust periods of "consolidation," when big banks buy up small banks. These banks' regulatory powers are now being ceded to the IMF under the aegis of the Fed and Treasury, as Dick Morris discussed recently. What is important to get is that the financial power players and international Marxists are not at ideological war with one another, they are cooperating to erect a global oligarchy.
Obama is an integral part of that plan. As laughable as that may seem to some conservatives and natural cynics, the propaganda regarding the president has gone from annoying to unsettling.
The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama is as startling an example of myth-construction as can be recalled in recent history. The left has shown us that revisionism is now being done in real time.
Yahoo! had an article explaining that Dear Leader "won" because he wants peace really badly.
Can I win the Nobel Prize for Science since I want science to advance a whole bunch? I REALLY want a lightsaber.
Ha! You want a light-saber! Well, I want the whole freaking DEATH STAR (with the energy reactor core COMPLETELY shielded this time, TYVM)! SO GO HOME, LOSER!!!
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