Monday, October 26, 2009


The left cannot restrain itself. Leftists are literally incapable of presenting any information without distorting it to fit their narrative that state control is all for our own good and that freedom is a danger because we are all too stupid to lead our own lives.

A Public Broadcasting Service documentary with a promising premise entitled, "The Warning," regarding whistleblower Brooksley Born, who in 1997 warned of a potential credit derivatives disaster, somehow turns into an attack on the free market, and amazingly, a complete smear job of Ayn Rand. Anyone with any economic literacy whatsoever understands that the derivatives disaster was caused by government intervention into the market with programs like the Community Reinvestment Act, and the actions of public-private mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with the work of community agitators like ACORN.

The left, however, insists that the very disaster of their own making, which literally could not take place in a free market, was due to free market principles and a lack of regulation! This is a totalitarian mindset that literally cannot be reasoned with. The leftists will not stop until they run the lives of every man, woman, and child on earth. They will never admit defeat, and they will never admit failure. They will lie, fabricate, and distort without shame and they will rationalize any and all outrages in the name of the "greater good."

A brazen example of the left's intellectual dishonesty is the association in "The Warning" of Alan Greenspan with Ayn Rand. In the film, Ayn Rand says clearly that she is against all forms of control (the full context can be found in her interview with Mike Wallace), and yet, the film feigns that Ayn Rand's philosophy could be implemented at a central bank! If Rand was made Chairman of the Fed, she would probably burn the banks to the ground the first day on the job and implement free banking immediately! Joseph Stiglitz gets the irony and even says with a smirk on his face that there is a certain level of irony of a "disciple" of Rand taking office at a central bank. Still the documentary continues its narrative of Greenspan as a "disciple" of Rand! Greenspan flooded the market with money relentlessly for two decades! The market didn't set the dollar interest rates during that period, Greenspan and the Fed did!

When a country is so divided between at least two major factions, and at least half the opponents involved are so deceitful and dishonorable, there must come a day when all pretenses to civility will come to an abrupt end. The left's lying will not come without a price. If there is not a hell below for them there will be a hell on earth - one of the left's own making.

1 comment:

Reaganx said...

I'm so tired of leftists associating Greenspan with Ayn Rand. The ARI has repeatedly stated that Greenspan's activities are the opposite of Ayn Rand's ideas, and yet they keep spitting out this bullshit. Another thing that amazes me is that they simply ignore you when you point out to them that what they perceive to be market failures are actually government failures. They don't hear you or pretend not to. Today you explain everything to them, and tomorrow they'll keep saying the same bullshit, as if nothing happened.