Though I am not disposed to being anti-Christian in theory, let alone in practice, the recent behavior of the Catholic Church is making it impossible to ignore the parallels between theocracy and the world fascist (sic) movement, and in particular, the eco-fascist wing of that movement. The counter-argument that there is a significant difference between religious doctrine and practice is weak, one might add, and does not require a list of ten thousand quotes from the Bible to illustrate the Christian argument that man should sacrifice himself for a higher cause, namely, God; or by extension an exposition of Islam's glorification of martyrs. ReaganX's argument that environmentalism and religion are both anti-humanistic is clearly well-taken. From Reuters:
Rich nations must assume environmental duties: pope
By Philip Pullella
Industrialized nations must recognize their responsibility for the environmental crisis, shed their consumerism and embrace more sober lifestyles, Pope Benedict said on Tuesday.
The pope's call for more environmental commitments came in his message for the Roman Catholic Church's annual World Day of Peace, to be marked on Jan 1 and whose theme is "If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation."
The message is traditionally sent to heads of state, government and international organizations and its importance this year is more significant because its release coincided with the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen.
"It is important to acknowledge that among the causes of the present ecological crisis is the historical responsibility of the industrialized countries," he said in the message.
While saying that developing countries "are not exempt from their own responsibilities with regard to creation," and had a duty to gradually adopt effective environmental measures, the bulk of his criticism was aimed at rich nations.
Speaking of the need for all nations to address the issue of energy resources, he said:
"This means that technologically advanced societies must be prepared to encourage more sober lifestyles, while reducing their energy consumption and improving its efficiency."
He said no nation or people can remain indifferent to problems such as climate change, desertification, pollution, the loss of biodiversity, the increase of natural catastrophes and the deforestation of equatorial and tropical regions. [More]
I would also like to point out one further quote that demonstrates the totalitarian mentality of the environmentalist left quite well:
"Our present crises -- be they economic, food-related, environmental or social -- are ultimately also moral crises, and all of them are interrelated."
In other words, complete power needs to be given to a global body in order to regulate every aspect of human life. And you thought the Nazis were bad.
1 comment:
The claim that Christianity is in some way pro-reason and/or pro-freedom is one of those colossal Big Lahs (now I like doing the Gore accent, like Lord Monckton does) that I have always considered astounding. Starting from the communistic stuff in the Bible and on up - mendieval mendicant orders, Marx being an ex-Christian millenialist, the Social Gospel, the Christian aspect of progressivism in the US etc etc etc - Christianity has always been pretty consistently anti-mind, anti-life and anti-liberty, with some minor deviations such as tactical alliances with rational and libertarian-leaning thinkers for the purpose of deluding and trapping them.
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