You can safely gauge a successful American foreign policy by how antithetical to Russia's foreign policy it is. President Obama is quickly becoming the most Russia-friendly president since FDR, with dire implications not only for America but for freedom in the world.
President Obama is not only giving away the store in terms of nuclear weapons inspections by allowing the Russians to visit our missile sites; he allowed the SALT treaty to expire, which provided our own inspectors legal access to Russian missile silos.
Even more disturbing for those who follow arms limitations agreements, Obama's continuing talk of complete nuclear disarmament is worrying for anyone even remotely familiar with the role nuclear weapons play in deterrence; including that of state sponsors of terrorism. Yet the president continues to imply with such speeches as the one he gave in receipt of a comically timed Nobel Prize that complete nuclear disarmament is not only possible, but desirable. I dispute both assertions. Not only would removing conventional nuclear weapons from national stockpiles destabilize the world by making powerful countries more vulnerable to invasion and total war, it would unleash state sponsors of terror to facilitate the acquiring of atypical nuclear weapons (such as dirty bombs and suitcase bombs) by covert organizations. Obama needs to learn why the Cold War was branded "The Long Peace" by true realists.
With such pie-in-the-sky rhetoric akin to "nuclear weapons are bad - mmm kay?" the question is raised: Does Obama need another AQ Khan to expose the ineptitude of such international organizations as the IAEA (headed by fellow Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei) in order for him to prefer to leave our nation's security in the hands of our men and women in the intel services and the U.S. military, rather than in those of do-gooder internationalist (read socialist) organizations? Obama is either idiotic or a traitor; it must be one or the other.
Such is some of the relevant international relations context in which we learn that Obama is reversing Bush policy and cooperating with the Russians in the cyber-security arena. There is no way that Obama could be so naive as to open up America's cyber-security secrets to one of the biggest hacking and security-breaching nations on the planet in the hopes of improving our nation's safeguarding of national secrets and infrastructure. Not only is the president going beyond the peregruzka (laughably translated as "reset," but actually meaning "overcharge") offered up by Hillary Clinton to the Russians, he is now apparently selling America out to the Russians, in addition to the Chinese. To be fair to Obama, a politician compromising America's national security or economic security to a foreign country would be nothing new for the good old U.S. of A in recent years.
In addition to the sheer absurdity of cooperating with Russia in the area of cyber-security, there are several circumstantial reasons to suspect the motives behind the president's cozying up to America's mortal enemy. Obama has demonstrated a pattern of behavior not only of pliability, which one might expect of a simpleton like Jimmy Carter, but of warm advances toward various tyrants, terrorists, and various sordid international figures. Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, Manuel Zelaya, (and as can be inferred from correspondence) Fidel and Raul Castro - all have received the proverbial red carpet treatment from Obama. Those that Obama has not been able to woo, such as Mahmoud Ahmadenijad and Kim Jong-Il, have been conspicuously absent from his administration's criticism. These overtures and unnecessary courtesies are but the tip of the iceberg if we consider America's uncomfortably scurrilous situation vis-a-vis the Chinese.
On the domestic side, Obama's history of discomfort with public criticism, as well as the sheer weirdness of the national media's lockstep on several public policy issues (not to mention the gawkish handling of several tabloid stories) gives one the slightly sick feeling that the president is more than willing to learn from the pros how to clamp down on free speech. In his trip to China, the president issued a statement that was noticeable because of the disparity between message and messenger (a continuing theme of the Obama administration): "I'm a big supporter of non-censorship," Obama said. "I recognize that different countries have different traditions. I can tell you that in the United States, the fact that we have free Internet - or unrestricted Internet access is a source of strength, and I think should be encouraged."
Well, do you think?
Adding Russia to the list of countries America is increasingly obeisant to (along with China and Saudi Arabia) does not bode well for America, which is the last bastion of freedom in a world where the lamp of Western Civilization in the world is dimming.
While the left would like to brandish those who are sensibly against foreign meddling as "nationalistic" or even "xenophobic," instead preferring to peddle their treasonous agenda of international socialism and vulnerability to historical predators like the Russians, Chinese, and Islamic fundamentalists, all under the rubric of cultural and moral relativism and multiculturalism, we must as a nation sober up and take a more serious view of subversion. Former KGB spy and defector Yuri Bezmenov urges us to do so vividly with an anecdote of the Japanese perfunctory turning away of any would-be "friends" in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. As the nineteenth century scholar J. Watts De Peyster put it in his study Secession in Switzerland and the United States Compared:
"Wherever a free government, invited or permitted foreign interference, that government was overthrown. The Monroe Doctrine is nothing more than a recognition of this immutable law, and, if it energetically applied, it is an antidote to the poison of foreign intervention into the affairs of this, our continent; ours by the law of nature, ours by the force of arms, as soon as victorious over treason we can give due attention to the intrusion of foreign enemies."
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