This Brown-Coakley race for Senator of Massachusetts is very important for the tea party movement to continue its momentum from the interim elections in New Jersey, Virginia, and even New York (as scandalous as NY-23 turned out to be).
The Massachusetts press is heavily touting Democratic Attorney General Martha Coakley, even invoking the myth that there is a "glass ceiling" for women running for senator in Massachusetts. The Boston Globe is essentially providing free campaign advertising for Coakley, as the progressive press typically does for its darlings.
Running against her is the Republican Scott Brown, and Joseph Lewis Kennedy (no relation to the Kennedys, apparently), a faux libertarian and a registered Independent. Some tea parties have thrown their support behind this pretend libertarian, a former Democrat who himself claims to support "green policies." A word to the wise: No libertarian can support "green policies" - only those technologies voted on with dollars in a free market!
A surprisingly balanced AP article shows the crux of the battle for the tea party movement, and that the race in Massachusetts is conceivably winnable:
Brown, who has carved out a decidedly conservative record, faces an uphill challenge in a state where the majority of voters are independents but frequently vote Democratic.
It is not every day that a dinosaur Democrat senator releases his icy grip on political office and with the economy in shambles and a Democrat leadership in Congress that is extremely aggravating for many conservatives and independents, such an opportunity to steal a seat in enemy territory is not likely to return anytime soon.
Besides the heavily favorable press that Coakley is likely to get, her past record of campaign contributions shows connections to a powerful legal lobby that garnered her nearly half a million dollars in 2006. In addition, POLITICO reports that Coakley enjoys the support of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and several abortion rights groups.
Challenging Martha Coakley will be Scott Brown who has a distinguished record and the moral character, values, and fortitude to take on the progressives in Massachusetts and in Congress. His short biography shows his honorable military service and his history of promoting an environment for growing businesses and defending family values:
Senator Brown is a proud member of the Massachusetts National Guard, where he has served for nearly three decades and currently holds the rank of Lt. Colonel in the Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) Corps. Brown was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service in homeland security following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. His career in public service began as selectman in Wrentham. He then went on to serve three terms as a State Representative and won his current State Senate seat in a special election in 2004. He is currently in his third Senate term.
In 2004, Senator Brown received the Public Servant of the Year Award from the United Chamber of Commerce for his leadership in reforming the state's sex offender laws and protecting the rights of victims. He has also been recognized by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) for his work in creating an environment that encourages job growth and expansion in Massachusetts.
There is an opportunity for Scott Brown to win the vacated U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts, which would be huge because it would bring the Democrat-controlled seats in the Senate to 59. The ability to filibuster, obstruct, and block legislation would be indispensable to slowing down the dangerous growth of government under the Democrats.
So how can we as a group get involved to put a dent in the Democrats' plans this January 19th? We need to take action as soon as possible. This involves two things, which can be done right after the holidays: Volunteer to cold call potential voters and contribute what you can to Brown's election campaign.
There are several good reasons for us to get involved:
1) We need to expend our political capital as a movement. The energy is currently high and that inertia needs to be brought to bear against any concrete target.
2) We need to practice mobilizing and facing voters in politically hostile territory using whatever powers of persuasion imaginable.
3) We need to gain experience sharing tactics on what works and doesn't work with potential voters, especially independents and moderates.
4) Regardless of the results, we need to show the progressive media that we are a political force to be reckoned with. They can no longer ignore us; now they must vilify us. As we saw throughout the healthcare debate in 2009, ridicule backfires on the media when wielded against traditional Americans and the tea party movement accrues more sympathizers.
5) We need to give conservative candidates confidence that we will financially and politically support them if they run. Those who have character and commitment to family values, fiscal responsibility, and the Constitution will garner support. Pretenders will be ostracized.
6) We need to support candidates with military service. An honorable military record is not a fail-safe litmus test; but it is a positive sign of a man of character.
7) If we are able to make a difference, even if we help make the Massachusetts senate race closer than it would otherwise be, we will relieve some of the angst that comes from watching a train wreck in slow motion and failing to act.
8) We need to get as politically involved as possible to grow and mature as a movement!
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